Charged With Obstruction And Reckless Conduct In Marietta, Georgia? Put A Skilled Lawyer On Your Side.
Lisa Wells has a history of success in defending clients against accusations of obstruction and reckless conduct. The laws prohibit reckless conduct and obstruction that sound vague and confusing, and criminalize some behaviors that really should not be in the legal system.
That is why Lisa Wells takes the time to prepare, learn the facts of your particular case and review the evidence. She knows that every case is different and is prepared to build the best possible defense for you and your unique situation for the best possible chance at avoiding a conviction.
An Attorney With Experience On The Other Side
Criminal defense lawyer Lisa Wells’ former experience and training as a Georgia prosecutor enable her to know the justice system from the inside. Lisa understands what it takes to defend your case successfully. Ms. Wells meets with each client one-on-one. If she takes your case, she will personally represent you from start to finish, zealously advocating for your rights. She may be able to limit the impact of the charges you are facing and, in some cases, may be able to get your case dismissed.
Talk To Ms. Wells Today At Our Marietta, Georgia Office
Contact our office now at 678-223-4975 or reach out through our online contact form to arrange a meeting.